Notebook Free Blogger Template


Notebook is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) which features a torn out page from a notepad for the content area. The Blogger template is in soft brown tones with a stylized background reminiscent of the popular Notepad Chaos template but with a bit of grunge thrown in. The Blogger layout features a simple 2 column design, a top navigation menu and RSS links. This free Blogger template is suitable for any personal blog or personal diary.

Notebook Free Blogger Template
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Designed By: Ray Creations

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, notepad style, RSS links, brown and white, free to use provided credits intact

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Other Blogger Templates with a Notebook Theme
Other Blogger Templates with a Notepad Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Notepad Deluxe Free Blogger Template


Notepad Deluxe is a simple free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) suitable for the personal blog. This Blogger template has a clean and uncluttered feel and looks smart in brown and creamy yellow. The Social bookmarking buttons and the stylized date feature are a nice bonus on this Blogger layout.

Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: N Design Studio
Converted to Blogger By: Deluxe Templates

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, social bookmarking buttons, search box, stylized date, notepad style, brown and cream yellow, free to use provided credits intact

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More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Vio Free Blogger Template Blogspot


Vio is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) for a personal blog or business blog. This Blogger template with its light purple (lavender) and cream tones would particularly suit a blog with a women's theme. The Blogger layout comes with 3 columns, social bookmarking and comment styling.

Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: WebHostingReport
Converted to Blogger By: Theme Craft

3 columns, 2 right sidebars, fixed width, navigation menu, custom search, purple, cream and white, social bookmarking, read more function, free to use provided the credits are not removed

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More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Color Note Free Blogger Template


Color Note is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) in notebook style. The busy desktop with coffee cup, potted plant and office items make this free Blogger template suitable for a personal blog, daily log, online journal or personal diary.

Color Note - Free Blogger Template
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Designed for Blogger By: Deluxe Templates

3 columns, 2 right sidebars, fixed width, navigation menu, RSS button, search box, green, gold and white, free to use provided credits intact

Related Links
More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Daily Notes Free Blogger Template


Daily Notes is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) perfect for an online journal, personal diary or creative writing blog. The notepad layout of this 2 column Blogger template is simple and minimalistic and has a grunge feel.

Daily Notes - Free Blogger Template
Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: Design Disease
Converted to Blogger By: Templates Block

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, search box, RSS link, black and white, free to use provided credits intact

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More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

International Travel Free Blogger Template


International Travel is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) perfect for the travel blogger. Comes complete with recent posts and recent comments widgets along with a stylized date feature and welcome message. Suggested uses for this free Blogger template include a personal blog, online journal, personal diary or travel blog.

Free Blogger Template - International Travel
Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: WPThemes Creator
Converted to Blogger By: ThemeCraft

2 columns, left sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, search box, stylized date, welcome message, RSS link, recent posts widget, recent comments widget, brown and white, free to use provided credits intact

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More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Postage Sydney Free Blogger Template


Postage Sydney is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) suitable for a travel blog, personal blog or online diary. Postage Sydney is perfect for Australians abroad or anyone who wants a blog with Australia as its travel theme.

Postage Sydney - Free Blogger Template - 2 columns, right sidebar, personal blog, travel blog, blue and yellow
Template Demo | Download Template

Converted to Blogger By: Theme Craft

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, brown, blue, yellow, travel blog, free to use provided credits are not removed

Related Links
More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Welcome Land Free Blogger Template


Welcome Land is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) with a travel theme in a grungy style. This free Blogger template is suited to a personal blog, online journal or personal diary.

Welcome Land - Free Blogger Template
Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: WPThemes Creator
Converted to Blogger By: Blogger Themes

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, green, grunge style, free to use provided credits intact

Related Links
More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Travelling Logbook Free Blogger Template


Travelling Logbook is a bright free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) with a travel theme. This free Blogger template is in notebook style and would ideally suit a personal blog, online journal or personal diary.

Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: EZ WPThemes
Converted to Blogger By: ThemeCraft

2 columns, left sidebar, fixed width, navigation menu, brown, orange, search box, RSS link, free to use provided credits intact

Related Links
More Free Blogger Templates
Other Blogger Templates with a Travel Theme
Free Blogger Templates for a Personal Blog

Color Paper Free Blogger Template


Color Paper is a free Blogger template (free Blogspot template) with a grunge theme ideal for a personal blog or online diary. Unique color switching allows the blogger to pick their preferred color scheme.

Color Paper - Free Blogger Template - search box, 2 columns, personal blog, brown, blue and green
Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: Dream Template
Converted to Blogger By: Alvaris from Falcon Hive

2 columns, right sidebar, fixed width, in-built search box, navigation menu, welcome message, RSS subscribe button, read more function, color picker, brown, blue and green, grunge style, free to use provided credits intact

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Showcase Light Free Blogger Template


Showcase Light is a free Blogger template (Blogspot template) in gallery style suitable for a photo blog or to showcase designs or artwork.

Free Blogger Template Showcase Light - 2 columns, white, blue, rss link, navigation menu, clickable thumbnail images, photo blog
Template Demo | Download Template

Designed By: Dante Araujo

2 columns, right sidebar, top navigation menu, RSS subscribe link, automatic thumbnail image on home page, gallery style, white blue and grey, free to use with credits intact

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